The third and final installment of 1 minute videos covering EditMe's navigation features shows how to limit the number of levels in the multi-level navigation menu and move deep navigation into the page content where needed.
If you find your site needs 5 or more nest levels of navigation, you're probably feeling a bit cramped with the multi-level navigation menu as each nested level is indented more than the last. In such cases, the best practice is to limit the number of levels that are displayed in the menu and instead list sub-pages within the page content. This 1 minute video shows you how.
Click the image above for a high quality version of the video in Quicktime. If you don't have Quicktime or have a slow connection, check out the YouTube version instead.
If it was hard, it wouldn't fit into a 1 minute video. Here's how:
If some of your third-level pages have child pages that you want displayed, you can add a bulleted list of them. Just edit the page and add [[include:_ListNav]] wherever you want it to show up.
Say you want to show that bulleted list of child pages on every single page of your site, if there are any to show. This is a little more involved, but still quite easy.