Tuesday, May 15, 2007
UPDATE: The newer Yorktown and Acton skins include a simple tool to upload and display a header image or logo. These instructions are specifically for the older Newton and Brighton skins.
By default, EditMe displays the title of your site (which you can modify in Site Settings) in a box at the top of every page. See the big "EditMe Demo Site" text at the top of the demo site for an example. Many of customers want to replace this text with an image logo or banner of their own. In this Tip, we'll show you how.
This tip assumes you're using a "Brighton" or "Newton" skin on your site. The "Classic" skins don't provide an area to easily drop in a logo. If you haven't changed the skin on your site, then you're most likely using a Brighton skin, as its the default. If you want to make sure, go to your Site Settings → Look & Feel → Skins page and find the skin that matches your site design. The name of the skin should start with "Brighton" or "Newton".
Step 1: Upload an Image Attachment
We'll assume you already have an image you want to put at the top of your site and that it's called "mylogo.jpg". You'll want to make the file name short and simple as you'll be typing it in later on. You'll also want to use an image editor to resize the image to fit into the site and perhaps change the background color to match your site's skin. Let's upload that image to the Home page on your site.
Step 2: Modify your Layout
In this step, we'll modify your site's Layout to show the "mylogo.jpg" image attached to your site's home page instead of the Site Title.
For Brighton Skins:
<p editme="cdata site.title">Brighton Layout</p>
with this:
<p><img src="/files/HomeOld/mylogo.jpg" alt="Your Site Title Here" border="0"/></p>
For Newton Skins:
Note that the replacement text we've provided assumes that you attached a file named "mylogo.jpg" to your site's "Home" page. If you use a different file name or attached the file to a different page, you'll need to modify the path to the image accordingly.
When you're done, save the Layout and view your site's home page to see your logo displayed. If it looks good to you, you're done! If not, read on...
Step 3: Modifying the Header Box Formatting
You now have your image showing in place of the header text at the top of every page. You may want to make one or two changes to your site's CSS stylesheet as well. For example, you may want to remove the border around the box that contains the image (in a Brighton style sheet). You may also want to set your site to use a fixed width if your image is a banner and you want it to "fit" all the time. It's hard to provide exact instructions here as they depend on what you're trying to do and which Skin you're using. The Newton skins, in particular, can be tricky to work with because of the complex CSS layout they use.
To edit your site's CSS:
Again, here's where things become specific to the skin you're using...
Header CSS for Brighton Skins
To change the background color and remove the border around the header box:
The other change you may want to make is to fix the width of your site's layout if you are using a banner image. To do this:
Header CSS for Newton Skins
As previously mentioned, the Newton skins use CSS for layout, so modifying the style sheet can be tricky.Be willing to experiment.
The header in Newton skins is contained in a DIV called logo - if you search the Style Sheet for #logo you'll find definitions for it in a few places. If you want to change the background color of the heading box, look for a background-color definition for #links_container, which contains #logo.
When you're done with your changes, click "Save & Apply" to make your change permanent.
Share Your Results
We'd love to see your results. Send us a link at http://support.editme.com to your site displaying the new banner! We'll add links to any results we get here.