Spotlight On: Affinaquest

Bookmark and Share Friday, November 5, 2010

"We wanted our existing users to help our new users and one another."

affinaquest-logo.pngAffinaquest is a brand new way to manage data for fundraising, using the platform.  In collaboration with The Foundation, a free plan for 501(c)(3) organizations,  Affinaquest allows any nonprofit to build a sophisticated fundraising program, supported by all the necessary data management systems, without any internal technical support.

Affinaquest has been created by fundraising professionals with decades of experience in fundraising software design. As with any new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product, it's important to build a product that makes customer's lives easier. A huge component of easy to use software is clear and concise user documentation on how the software is supposed to work.

I put the Spotlight on Jeff Shy, the President of Affinaquest, to understand how he uses EditMe to create robust, living user documentation, and enlist Affinaquest's "power users" to help keep the documentation as accurate and up to date as possible.

Why do you use EditMe?

We provide software to the nonprofit marketplace and have found over the years that our experienced users often had a better perspective on how to use our software than even we did and we wanted to find ways for those users to help our new users and one another.  One way that we thought that this could be accomplished was by converting our user documentation to a wiki.  For this to be possible, we felt we had to find a wiki that would be easy to use and which required little or no training.  After looking at several products out there, we concluded that EditMe was by far the easiest to use for its feature set and was priced well.

How did you it before using EditMe?

We had been using RoboHelp for our documentation prior to implementing EditMe.

What's your favorite thing about EditMe?

Ease of use and the ability to engage our users in contributing to the wiki.

What would make the experience better for you?

The only challenge that we had using the wiki was working with the table of contents.  The new drag and drop feature pretty much addressed that problem.

How do you describe EditMe to friends and colleagues?

An easy to use, affordable solution for involving a user community in the production of effective user documentation.

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