EditMe At-a-Glance

1,000,000 page views served each month

The original hosted wiki solution

50,000 registered users

Safe, secure, and fully compliant

6,500 Wikis and websites built and hosted by EditMe

Since 2003, EditMe has been exclusively focused on creating easy-to-use wiki software supported by fast, friendly customer service.

EditMe is used by many to build business wiki and corporate intranets. Our mission is to make the easiest and most productive business wiki possible.

Don't just take our word about our easy-to-use features and exception customer service, read what our customers are saying about us. EditMe currently supports over 6,500 wikis and 50,000 users.

For users looking to customize their EditMe experience, we support all of our customers needs with robust, affordable professional services designed to ensure that your platform represents your corporate identity, culture and the needs of all your end users.

Corporate Offices

290 Turnpike Road
Suite 5-332
Westborough, MA 01581

Management Team

Matt Wiseley Dean Dorazio Tim Hawkins
Matt Wiseley
Dean Dorazio
Tim Hawkins
Art Director